Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Mormon Health Code


In biblical times, the true followers of Christ and worshipers of God believed many commandments and guidelines that directly related to their lifestyle, even down to dietary rules. In modern times, we see not eating pork, or other such restrictions as odd and perhaps not fully understandable. The key, though, isn't the fact that God’s people couldn’t eat pork, but that they obey, and keep themselves from things as God directed. They trusted in His power and wisdom, not the wisdom of man. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we too practice a dietary code of conduct known as the Word of Wisdom. Most people who know of the Church will recognize this as the reason why members don’t drink tea, coffee, or alcohol, or participate in tobacco use or drug abuse. Many people are baffled by our apparently odd abstinence from substances. And most people think that the Word of Wisdom stops there, with telling us to not take these substances and that is it. In reality, the Word of Wisdom is less of a laundry list of restrictions, and more a commandment of encouragement and promise.
            Yes, the Word of Wisdom outlines alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea as things not to ingest. However, the majority of the Word of Wisdom is actually counsel on what should be consumed. Things like “herbs,” “every fruit,” “flesh of beasts and of the fouls,” and “all grain” are all proscribed to be used with thanksgiving. It is warned that flesh of beast should be eaten sparingly. What’s more, modern prophets, leaders of the Church, have instructed that part of the Word of Wisdom includes the following: the avoidance of any addictive substance, regular exercise, regular sleep, and a general maintenance of one’s health and body. Viewed in this way, the Word of Wisdom ceases to be restrictive and inhibitory, but rather becomes a way of life, a law of overall health and personal maintenance.
            Many people don’t understand why members of the Church live such a code. People see it as unnecessary, naïve, pointless, or restrictive. There could be any number of reasons for this commandment. We could site countless dietary and health benefits such as lower chances of cancer and disease, or increased average vitality and lifespan. We could reason the improved quality of life, positive potential, or overall contentment that comes with compliance. We could reference freedom from addiction: freedom from mental, emotional, or psychological problems that come with using substances or not taking care of the body.
Certainly, all of these reasons are true. But in the end, it really comes down to a few key principles: our bodies are sacred, gifts from God, and He wants us to take care of them as we would any other gift of His; by obeying this law we are free and able to choose without influence or addiction; we are more capable of feeling God’s love and Holy Spirit in our lives, or in other words, we are better able to receive direction and strength from God; and, even if we don’t know exactly why we have and live this commandment, we do know that a prophet of God, a man called to reveal the divine word, directed us to obey this commandment. And if the prophet said it, then it is as though God said it. And God’s command is good enough reason. We firmly believe that the Word of Wisdom is inspired direction from the Heavens and that we will be blessed for living it in its fullest.
When it comes down to it, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints keep the commandments of God because we believe that those commandments prepare us to live in heaven with God and Christ after this life. Every commandment, including the Word of Wisdom, is a way to help us achieve that goal. The Word of Wisdom helps us be better, helps us gain self-control and spiritual strength, helps us be worthy to live with God again some day. And the Word of Wisdom is not just for Mormons. It is for everyone. And the blessings that come from obedience to it are promised to everyone. In the revelation of the Word of Wisdom, God promises increased health, as well as “treasures” of knowledge and, obviously, wisdom. God wants us to be happy, so he gave us another way that we could find that joy and happiness. It doesn’t mean life is perfect, or that we never get sick or have physical maladies. But the Word of Wisdom is one more way that God has provided for us to live better lives and prepare to live with Him again. 


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