Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mormons and Gay Marriage


I believe in marriage between a man and a woman. I do not support gay marriage. No, that does not mean that I am hateful or prejudiced in any way toward individuals with same-sex attraction. I love them like anyone else. But there seems to be a lot of talk about Mormons hating gays or being discriminatory toward them in some way. I understand there are a lot of beliefs out there, but the truth is that the Mormon church is against gay marriage, not gay people. I don't mean to cause contention or arguments by this post, but rather to reach an understanding of Mormon beliefs as they pertain to homosexuality.

Facing personal, sinful tendencies in life.
A key doctrine taught in the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints concerns our purpose in life, and is called the Plan of Salvation. This plan is God's plan for us to come to earth into families, gain bodies, experience learning and growth, and then to one day return to live with Him again. Linda S. Reeves, a well-known leader in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, further explained, "One reason we are here on earth is to learn to manage the passions and feelings of our mortal bodies." I would like to refer to these feelings we need to manage as "sinful tendencies".

Sinful tendencies include the cravings for alcohol, or tobacco, or the impulses to lie, cheat, steal, or kill. These sinful tendencies are a natural part of being mortal—everyone on this earth deals with them. Having these feelings is not sinful, but how we choose to respond to them can be. God has given us "agency", the power and privilege to decide for ourselves how we will respond when facing temptation (Doctrine and Covenants 58:28). When we give in to a sinful tendency, we are choosing sin, and we remove ourselves from God. But when we resist and choose obedience to God's commandments, we are blessed with peace, happiness, and added strength to withstand future temptations. Therefore, the tendency is not what matters, but rather how we act on it.

I don't mean to be simplistic with this example, but let's compare to gluttony. I have a sinful tendency to eat way too much. Sometimes I think to myself, “Just one more cupcake… that would only be like what, eight of them tonight? And I only had two cookies during lunch… these are just really yummy…” I confess, I struggle everyday; desserts are so good! But I certainly don’t feel close to God when I am lying on the floor in agony, completely sick to my stomach. Obviously, my friends who experience same-gender attraction are facing a very different issue, but regardless of circumstances, we are children of a loving, unbiased God who expects us to keep his commandments. He sees our potential to rise above our imperfections and resist our personal, sinful tendencies.  

Devotion to God and obedience to His laws.
The current issue of gay marriage is a heated and controversial topic in the world, but not in God's eyes. His standard is set.

My ancestor, Dorcus McBride (interesting name, I know), lived during a time of great discrimination and persecution against her faith. She witnessed the brutal mutilation of her father by corn knife in October of 1838 while living in Missouri. He was murdered solely on account of his being a Mormon. Despite this horrific memory, Dorcus never deserted her beliefs. She continued in the face of great hatred, and eventually made the 1300 mile trek to Utah with other pioneers.

When I was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I made the promise to obey God’s commandments. Even when following Him is unpopular by the world’s standard, I cannot break my promise. I cannot support gay marriage. It's against God's law. I know such a defiant stance will bring persecution. But, like my ancestor, I will not desert my beliefs.

Elder Russell M. Nelson, one of the Twelve Apostles in the Church, said recently:

“Even if ‘everyone is doing it,’ wrong is never right. Evil, error, and darkness will never be truth, even if popular… Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time!”

We do not support gay marriage not because we hate or discriminate against gays, but because we believe God only approves of marriage between a man and a woman. We oppose gay marriage because we want to keep God's commandments.

Love and respect towards all of God's children.
Jesus said to his disciples, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" (Matthew 22:37-39). God wants us to love each other. 

Nobody is perfect. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are certainly not perfect. I have heard mean-spirited, discriminatory comments made by members of my faith. I have also heard unsavory remarks spoken by people of other denominations. In an ideal world, we would all treat one another with kindness, an ideal that members of the Church strive for.

Human nature would have us shun those who act or look differently than ourselves. But human nature is not God's nature. He loves all of His children and has created each of us to be unique. Our opinions, experiences, tendencies, and difficulties in life make us who we are. Despite our differences, I know that we are all, as children of God, more alike than we are different.

So there it is. I don't support gay marriage, and never will because of my belief in God’s unchanging laws on marriage. But God has also commanded that we love one another. Let us put aside our differences and focus on what we have in common!


  1. I agree with everything said! I think it is helpful to speak about how we feel about homosexuals. We love them because they are God's children. We want them to find peace and happiness in their lives. We know the only path to true peace and happiness is by keeping the commandments of God. When we hear of those close to us that struggle with or succumb to homosexual tendencies, we feel the exact same emotions for them that we would feel had they participated in premarital heterosexual relations. We know that any sexual relations that are not between a married man and woman will bring feelings of sadness and pain. Our love for all God's children causes us to invite them to come to Christ, change and begin keeping the commandments. THen we will have joy with them as they find peace and happiness in their lives.

  2. Believing sex between anyone besides a married heterosexual couple is wrong is one thing, but when you compare sexuality to liking desserts a lot, wanting to steal or lie, and doing drugs, you're kind of missing the whole idea of what sexuality is, i.e. it's much more than just about sex. It affects every single aspect of who a person is. If you have to say "I don't mean to be simplistic" you're probably being way too simplistic.

    1. I disagree. I experience Same-Sex Attraction and find it doesn't affect anything other than my sexual attractions. I find it interesting that so many gay people want to say they're just like everyone else but then turn around and say being gay affects more in their life than just their sexual attraction.

  3. @Daniel, I disagree. I'm attracted to the same sex and it's a big part of my life but it's only one part of who I am.

  4. It's totally fine that you believe in marriage between one man and one woman--I think everyone should be respectful of others' opinions. Personally, I'm unsure exactly where I lie on this issue. However, the gay marriage debate has more to do with government than about marriage. Banning gay marriage won't stop gays from being gay or having gay sex--it's all about a government permission slip, which in my opinion shouldn't be required in order for a sacred ritual (a sealing) to take place. Getting government out of marriage and letting churches decide who they will marry is the best alternative for both sides of this debate.

    As a side note, it seems to me that banning gay marriage will only make gay people's "sins" extramarital--which, it seems, should be viewed as even worse. For example, here are two situations: (1) two gay men who have loved each other for years decide to wait until they can be legally and lawfully married before they engage in sex (true story for my friend's friend), and (2), a man and a woman meet at a bar and have a one-night stand. Which situation is worse? Which one would the Church punish more harshly?

    Food for thought.

    1. I think we need to remember that the question is not who will the church punish more. We believe that there are inevitable consequence that come from our actions. We believe the law of chastity is that sexual relations are only appropriate between a man and a woman that are legally married. So both situations above would be sin. Causing the people involved to feel remorse and distance from God. But in either case we love those people and invite them to come back and keep the commandments as God has given them so they can feel his peace and one day return to live with him.

  5. Well stated! I agree and feel the same way. I would also add that God created men and women; one completes the other. Children are born to a man and a woman because that is how God made it to work. There are reasons it was done that way. So while there are many very good gay people out there, when it comes to raising a child, God obviously intended for a child to have the influence of a man and a woman. The family is the center of the world and God did not intend for there to be two parents of the same gender or he would have made the creation process differently.

  6. i would also explain more fully that the law uppn which this doctrine is based is not only the law of marriage but the law of chastity. gay marriage breaks that eternal law, which is why members of this church do not support making gay marriage legal. whether legal or not, the law of chastity would be broken.

  7. A well-written, courteous article. Thank you.

  8. Well being a Member in Germany might do the difference, but I can't understand all that discussion on FB on that topic. We as Members believe in the marriage ordained by God, this kind of marriage is explained in the proclamation to the world and this marriage is preformed by the power of pristerhood in the temples in this world. The gay marriage is nothing we would ever preform in the temple and falls under governmental rights. I don't see us fighting for making Alcohol, Tabaco, pornografy, fornication,or any other such thing illegal. And i believe we do so because of the 13 Article of faith, we believe we have the right to worship god as we see fit and if other people do otherwise that is fine by us.
    So if the marriage from god is untouched by this gay marriage that is nothing more than the governmental contract for tow people (regardless of there gender), why are we fighting against it? I personaly thing that everything that makes people better is worthy for my support and let's be honest, the church has not real plan for gay people, beside " Wait till your dead and than the next live will do it for you". So if two people are willing to live a dedicated live that is the most close this people can come to living the principals of the gospel. Is that not worthy of our support?
    If i might speak for my ward and Stake no one here is against gay marriage,... we don't work on parades for it, but we are fine this the gay marriage in Germany and Europe in general. I think we often forget that obedience will not save us, only becoming like God, meaning gaining his attitudes, will save us and what are the quality's that define god? 1 Crointher 13 gives a clue =) So yes gods marriage is not for this people but if we can help them to learn any quality that is godly than I am for it.

    1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints is officially against the legalization of gay marriage. Yes that is a hard situation to be told well wait until you are dead and God will bless you for faithfully keeping his laws even when you had tendencies to do otherwise. We love those who have that struggle but faith in Jesus Christ causes us to encourage them to follow Him and not succumb to temptations. Faith lets us know that even though they may have trials because of their keeping the commandment we know that God will turn every tear today into 100 tears of joy tomorrow. You spoke of two people living the Gospel but participating in homosexual relations. The gospel is essentially faith in christ(keeping his commandments), repentance(becoming more obedient and faithful to him), and then covenants promising that we will keep his commandments. It is not possible to live the gospel while breaking one of its most important laws. You also spoke of the attributes gained in corinthians as the goal of our lives. Yes we are trying to become like God. Becoming like God is essentially salvation. We can not achieve this on our own. We need God's help to become like him. He has established one way for us to gain those attributes in 1 corinthians 13. We can only gain those attributes by OBEDIENCE to the laws and ordinances of his gospel. He sets the laws because he loves us and we keep them exactly because we love him even if we dont at first understand why. If ye love me keep my commandments. Also those who live the doctrine will come to know that it is of God. I hope that helps and remember WE LOVE THOSE WHO STRUGGLE WITH THOSE TEMPTATIONS AND BECAUSE WE LOVE THEM WE DECLARE THE STANDARD FOR A HAPPY LIFE CLEARLY AND UNWAVERINGLY. Marriage is between a man and a woman

  9. A really good resource on this topic is:

    It is a church website where Elder Christofferson and other Church leaders discuss same-sex attraction. It is meant for both those struggling with same-sex attraction and those who aren't; to inspire faith, hope, understanding, and kindness. :)
