Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Growing Like Christ

This week's post is a guest post from Scott Albright:

What do you know about Jesus Christ when he was your age? What did he do with his time? How did he treat his friends and family, most of whom had no idea of his real identity? It is unfortunate that we don’t have very many records that teach us about his day-to-day living. Indeed, I believe one of my religion teachers said that we only have details about 42 specific days of Christ’s life. The New Testament records the details of his birth and several incidents in his early years. When He was twelve we know that He went to the temple and was found, “sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions” (Luke 2:46). The next chapter after this verse in Luke gives the account of Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist, probably when he was around 30 years old. There is one verse that is found at the end of Luke 2 that teaches us about Christ from the time that he was twelve to the beginning of his ministry. It says, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2: 52).

From this scripture we learn that when Jesus was our age He was growing intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially. I am so grateful that the writer of this account chose to include this small description of Jesus during his development into an adult. It has provided a criteria by which I can evaluate my life as a student so I know how to spend my time. As Mormons, we try to follow Christ in everything that we do. Learning about how Christ grew and improved really helps us understand how we can follow his example.

At this stage in our lives it is so easy to have entirely unbalanced schedules as we juggle the demands of school with work with friends with sports with taking care of ourselves and staying alive! Among other things. As we apply this verse to ourselves it is important to remember that word “increased” and the concept of improvement that it carries. God loves us and cares that we are growing in all aspects of our lives. He understands that we are going to be busy with classes (or friends and dating if that’s the case), but he has created simple ways for us to continue to progress in all of these particular areas. I know that God wants us to be like Him and to enjoy all of the great blessings that He does. We can involve Him in our lives in more ways than through reading our scriptures and saying our prayers. He wants to be involved in our schooling, in our social sphere, in struggling to take care of our bodies, and in dating. I am grateful for this example of my Savior more than ever because it helps me to understand how I can grow into the person that God wants me to be.


  1. I loved it Scott! That's such a good perspective for all of us to have always. To recognize that if we consciously keep Christ and Heavenly Father at the forefront of our minds we will recognize their involvement in our lives and learn what they desire for and from us. !Me Gusta!

  2. Thanks Scott for your insights. I loved how you took something familiar to all college students and applied it to the gospel. Thanks.

  3. I loved that thank you so much for sharing!
