Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Holy Ghost Confirms The Truth

This past Sunday I missed church. I had spent the weekend on vacation with my family and got back in town too late in the afternoon. I missed out on the opportunity to take the sacrament and renew the covenants I made with God when I was baptized years ago. Attending sacrament and other meetings each Sunday is one of the main ways in which I am able to feel the influence of the Holy Ghost in my life. I wasn’t able to get there this week, but God showed evidence once again that He loves me by providing another opportunity for me to feel that same Spirit that I would usually feel at my church meetings.
A fellow member of my congregation came by late in the afternoon to visit us and share a short spiritual message, and I will always appreciate his diligence in visiting me. Nothing spectacular happened in our short meeting—at least nothing that an outside observer would perceive—but it was a significant meeting for me. We were having a discussion and the visitor asked me to share my thoughts about the topic we were discussing. I simply shared a thought I had had towards the beginning of the discussion but hadn’t had the opportunity to voice. Soon after I finished talking and our visitor began speaking again, I felt what was unmistakably the influence of the Holy Ghost. It was a warm, comforting, peaceful feeling. I believe it served as a confirmation that the spiritual concepts we were discussing were true and good, and it inspired me to be a better person.
This is what the Holy Ghost does; he comforts, inspires, and directs. He is the influence of God that also protects us and warns us of danger, both physical and spiritual. He is the evidence of God reaching out to us, His children. I know he is real, and I know without a doubt that I felt the influence of the Holy Ghost this past Sunday. God does reach out to all of His children; if we will pay attention, each of us will find that this is true.
-Brett Johnson

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