Monday, June 9, 2014

The House of the Lord

One of the most frequently asked questions I get from people is "What are your temples for?" I hope to give people at least a general idea of why we have temples and how they are different from a normal church building. Many other Christian religions call their meetinghouses "temples." We call ours "chapels" or "meetinghouses" because they are buildings where anyone can enter and participate in the services. For us, temples are more sacred buildings and we believe they are, quite literally, the House of the Lord. Because of this, there are more requirements before you can enter. One must be a church member in good standing to enter a temple. Seeing as we believe they are a House of the Lord, it makes sense that there are conditions for entering. Would you allow any person you meet to enter into your house? However, anyone is welcome to come walk around the beautiful grounds of any temple. Many of the larger temples also have visitor's centers where it has more information about the temple and its history.

Temples are very important for Mormons. They are place of hope, peace, and reflection. They are a beacon to the world of our faith and are a goal for all Mormons. It is the place we desire to go to further our relationship with God by making greater covenants (promises) with Him. Furthermore, the greatest blessing of a temple is its power to bind families together. We believe that marriage and family life is not "until death do you part," but that it can be eternal. Only in a temple can this take place. This is why it is so important to us and part of our daily lives. If you have any Mormon friends, you may have seen that most of them have a picture of a temple in their house. This serves as a reminder of the promises we have made in the temple and that we will be able to be with our families forever.

The temple is a marvelous and beautiful place. If you have one near by, it is worth the trip to at least see. Even if you can't go inside, you will be able to feel the peace of the temple grounds and enjoy their beauty. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write them below and we will do our best to answer. Also, check out this video for more on why Mormons build temples.


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