Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mormons And Christ

In this season of Christmas and New Years, many of us take the time to reflect on the year and decide what we want to improve during the next year. I have always been taught to also take this time to think about how I have bettered my relationship with Christ. Some times Mormons are described as not being Christian. Nothing could be further from the truth. So, in this holiday season, I thought it would be good to describe both what Mormons believe about Christ and how I feel about Him.

Like other Christians, we believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior and that he sacrificed His life on the cross to save us from our sins. However, unlike most Christians, we focus more on the Living Christ, that is, the resurrected Christ (this is also why we don't use that cross as a symbol in our buildings or elsewhere). For us, the greatest blessings of Christ's sacrifice were the ability to live again after we die, be forgiven of our sins and mistakes, and know that there is someone who can understand what we are going through. We all have many problems and difficulties that we go through in life, but Christ knows exactly how we feel and what help we need.

Mormons also believe that Christ lived a perfect life and gave us the perfect example of how to live our lives. We strive to emulate His example by loving and serving others. We are far from perfect people, but everything we talk about in church meetings and try to do in church activities are to try and help us follow Him.

I personally have tried to follow the Savior's example and learn about his life. This has helped me through the hard times of life and has helped me appreciate the good ones. In this time of reflection, let me recommend taking a little time to try and know Christ better as well. Happy New Years everyone!


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