Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Talking with God

Throughout my life there is something that has greatly impacted me—my daily conversations with God. This may sound interesting or even crazy to some, prompting the question: "How can you talk to someone who isn't there?" At first it does seem like that, but I have found that God is there and he does answer. When I can't hear Him, it is generally because I am not putting forth the effort to listen. Because I pray, I receive comfort and guidance, but, even more importantly, I come closer to God.

As Mormons, we try to pray at least morning and night. We do this because we sincerely believe it is critical to following God and understanding His relationship to us. The most simple and accurate comparison is a father with his child. Any good father wants to hear from his child and most children want to talk to their parents. This becomes even more clear when children are away from their parents. I think of times when I have been away those I love with very little communication. There is a sense of longing to see those people again. I think that this is the same way God feels about us and how we feel about Him—although we often do not realize it.

That is why we pray. We learn from the time we are little children that God is there and the way we feel that He is there is through praying. The best thing is that anyone can pray at anytime, no matter who you are or how you feel. It can be verbal or silent, it doesn't matter to God because he wants to hear from us, and we need to hear from Him.